How To Edit Page In Wordpress

To be more specific, you will learn two ways to modify a page on your WordPress website. Precisely, this guide teaches how to perform this task via the WordPress backend. In that section, I will provide answers to some questions people mostly ask relating to editing a page in WordPress.

Edit Page In WordPress Through WordPress Backend

One way to edit a page on your WordPress website/blog is through the WordPress backend. The following procedures and screenshot images demonstrate how to accomplish that.

Edit Page In WordPress Via Live Website

Interestingly, you can also edit a page on your WordPress website using the admin bar on the live website (WordPress frontend). In order to achieve that, follow the subsequent steps and screenshot images below.

My Final Thoughts About Editing Page In WordPress

WordPress is a popular CMS (Content Management System) employed by the majority of websites on the internet today. However, not every WordPress website owner knows how to modify a page on their website or blog. Fortunately, this guide demonstrated multiple ways to accomplish that. To be specific, we learned how to perform this task through the WordPress backend as well as the live website (WordPress website frontend). Hopefully, you were able to modify a page on your WordPress website with the procedures provided in this guide. If you were, we would love to know your experience – kindly share your experience with our community platform at Itechguides Community Forum. You may also provide feedback or ask various questions regarding this WordPress guide at Itechguides Community Forum. Our team and some of our community members would be glad to respond to your questions or feedback as soon as possible. Finally, visit our WordPress & Websites How-Tos page for more WordPress guides.

References And Further Reading