How To Hide A Page On Wordpress
Essentially, you will learn three major techniques to hide a page on your WordPress website. These include making the page private, password-protecting the page, and unpublishing the page.
Hide A Page On WordPress By Making The Page Private
One way you can hide a page/post on WordPress is to change the visibility of the post/page to private. This way, the post/page won’t be visible to the public – it will only be visible to authorized users with access to the WordPress backend. Well, this section will teach you how to make a specific post/page private. You will also learn how to make multiple posts/pages private in bulk.
How To Make A Specific Page Private On WordPress
How To Bulk Private Multiple Pages On WordPress
Hide A Page On WordPress By Password Protecting The Page
You can also hide a page/post on WordPress by setting a password for the page. To set a password for a page/post on WordPress, follow the procedures below.
Hide A Page On WordPress By Unpublishing The Page
Another way to hide a page on WordPress is to unpublish the page, thereby moving it to draft. Moreover, you can unpublish a specific page and bulk unpublish multiple pages in WordPress. Well, the following sub-section teaches you how to do that.
How To Unpublish A Specific Page On WordPress
How To Bulk Unpublish Multiple Pages On WordPress
My Final Thoughts About Hiding A Page On WordPress
For a number of reasons, you might decide to hide a post(s) on your WordPress website/blog. By doing this, the post or page won’t be available to the public. Also, it won’t appear on search engine results. Gladly, this guide provided various methods to hide a page on WordPress. Specifically, we discussed how to accomplish that by setting the page’s visibility to private and unpublishing the page. This guide also taught us to hide a page on WordPress by password-protecting the page. I hope this guide was able to help you hide a page on your WordPress website. If it was, kindly share your opinion with our community at Itechguides Community Forum. You could also provide feedback and ask questions relating to this WordPress guide at Itechguides Community Forum. Our forum team and other community members will provide a response to you as quickly as possible. Finally, for more WordPress guides, visit our WordPress & Websites How-Tos page.